Event Calendar

The NLP group maintains an event calendar. The calendar includes relevant talks, conference dates, and deadlines. You may subscribe to the calendar here. Contact Yoav Artzi, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, or Lillian Lee to add entries.

Mailing List

Cornell-affiliated people may request to join the general Cornell NLP mailing list by sending an email with the subject line “join” and including in the body of the email a description of your position at Cornell (undergrad (included intended graduation year), grad (include intended graduation year), faculty, staff, etc.) and why you are interested in joining. Send this email to [email protected] — but change the “a”s to “o”s.

The list generally carries talk announcements and job and internship ads. If you are only interested in talk announcements, you might consider subscribing to our calendar instead.

Website Updates

Please send Yoav (yoav@cs) or Lillian (llee@cs) your update by email. Thanks!

People Listing Update

Send (1) name, (2) department, (3) field (student) or field membership (faculty), (4) website, (5) JPG photo (450x450 for faculty, 200x200 otherwise), and (6) advisor for students and postdocs.

News Item

Send (1) headline, (2) URL(s), and (3) type (press, award, fellowship, other, date of item). If your item has multiple URLs, for example for a project featured in multiple news outlets, please send all URLs. If you wish to update an existing item, for example to add a URL to a press article, please note the current headline. The date of item must include the month and year. Once an item is posted, its date and placement will remain the same despite new updates.

Course Listing

Send (1) course name, (2) URL that is not year specific, and (3) main listing code/rubric (e.g., “CS 6666”), and (4) all cross-listing codes (e.g., “PHYS 6666/MATH 1000”). Please make sure to note the main code.

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